Article by TBHC News Staff Published Dec. 12, 2021 ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Activist, humanitarian, and truth-teller Rizza Islam came to St. Petersburg, FL for the Buck Breaking tour and book signing. Repair of the Black Family and 8 Kings Collective hosted the two-day event on July 10 through July 11. On Saturday, July 10, Sons and Daughters of African Kings (the Red, Black, and Green building) hosted the Buck Breaking screening for attendees. After the documentary screening, Rizza held a Q&A discussion which was followed by a book signing of his book titled, “Message to the Millineals.” On Sunday, July 11, Ameenah’s Cafe hosted Rizza’s book signing event where there was a Q&A discussion on various topics such as health, the black family, journalism ethics, and more. Dozens of people gathered to hear the message Rizza shared. The theme was, “Food, Family, and Facts.” The Black Hats Collective and The Black To Timbuktu Book Club attended the event and had a wonderful time. The organization and book club had a great dialogue on the importance of knowledge and reading. Creating and maintaining connections are vital for the movement. It is important to support groups and people working for the people’s best interest. Continue to support all of us! Watch a snippet of Rizza’s speech HERE. To stay updated on Black To Timbuktu., visit To support Black To Timbuktu, visit Follow Black To Timbuktu on these following platforms: Instagram: @blacktotimbuktu Facebook: @blacktotimbuktu Twitter: @blacktotimbuktu Shop With Us: Stay Connected With Us: Facebook: www.facebook/TheBlackHatsCollective Twitter: Instagram: Support Us On Patreon: Donate on CashApp: $tbhcollective Donate on PayPal:
Article by TBHC News Staff Published Dec. 12, 2021 GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Juneteenth celebrates the freedom of African Americans from chattel slavery in the United States at the end of the Civil War in 1865. Black To Timbuktu book club hosted its first Juneteenth cookout in Gainesville, FL on June 19, 2021. The book club gathered at Oakview Park to pay homage to the ancestors by remembering Juneteenth and honoring those who were enslaved. Members enjoyed barbecue and each other’s company with stories. Below are pictures from the event: To stay updated on Black To Timbuktu., visit To support Black To Timbuktu, visit Follow Black To Timbuktu on these following platforms: Instagram: @blacktotimbuktu Facebook: @blacktotimbuktu Twitter: @blacktotimbuktu Shop With Us: Stay Connected With Us: Facebook: www.facebook/TheBlackHatsCollective Twitter: Instagram: Support Us On Patreon: Donate on CashApp: $tbhcollective Donate on PayPal: Article by TBHC News Staff Published Dec. 12, 2021 GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Growing your own food is an essential part of survival. The message has gained more consideration during the unprecedented times of the pandemic. Black Farmers of the Future (B.F.F.), established in April 2020, broke ground in its very first community garden in Gainesville, FL in June 2021. Farmers planted and harvested mustard greens, collard greens, kale, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and corn. B.F.F. is a group of committed farmers committed to eradicating the dependency to rely on food from other people. We promote self-sufficiency through food. In its next venture, B.F.F. will be encouraging others to grow their own food in their backyard. B.F.F. suggests to use planters, pots, and crates to grow your food and to make sure to keep all the seeds from fruits and vegetables you consume. To watch B.F.F. tutorials, watch here. To stay updated on B.F.F., visit To support B.F.F., visit To learn more about growing your own food on social media, follow B.F.F. on these following platforms: Instagram: @blackfarmersofthefuture Facebook: @blackfarmersofthefuture Twitter: @blackfarmersotf Shop With Us: Stay Connected With Us: Facebook: www.facebook/TheBlackHatsCollective Twitter: Instagram: Support Us On Patreon: Donate on CashApp: $tbhcollective Donate on PayPal: |
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